

12 Feb, 2024

Objectives and Scope of the Assignment

The primary objective of this assignment is to provide scaled-up support for upstream equipment manufacturers and suppliers. Thus, this assignment is expected to: 1)Identify and prioritize electrical equipment use in the agriculture-energy nexus including energy efficient productive use equipment for agriculture and industry; 2)Develop a roadmap for promoting local assembly and manufacturing of prioritized equipment; 3)Identify and propose policy instruments for supporting the road map; Capacity building of project stakeholders on the means for actualising any potential for local assembly and manufacturing equipment

Consultant Competencies

The required qualifications and experience of the consultant are as follows: ·An advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in Engineering, Economics or related fields ·At least 10 years of relevant work experience across developing roadmaps, strategy, and local manufacturing of electrical equipment including solar PV modules, Inverters, accessories and energy efficient electrical equipment for agriculture and industry ·Experience in working with the UN, and UNDP in particular, international organizations, and similar agencies would be an advantage ·Previous experience in conducting similar assignment Clear understanding of the techniques used to prioritise equipment for feasibility of local assembly or manufacturing and to develop roadmaps

# MileStone

Inception Report

including Methodology and Work plan of activities to be completed during the assignment

Submission of First draft report

Submission of First draft report on the prioritization of electrical equipment in the agriculture-energy nexus (minigrid components and energy efficient productive use equipment and appliances for agriculture value addition)

Submission of Final report

Submission of Final report on the prioritization of electrical equipment in the agriculture-energy nexus (minigrid components and energy efficient productive use equipment and appliances for agriculture value addition)

How to apply

All applicants are required to mandatorily fill and the complete online application form including employment and educational history, motivational segment and technical competency questions. We will be thoroughly reviewing the application forms only for all the required details. Forms that are incomplete in any respect will not be considered while shortlisting for the next stage

Applicants are required to provide the following information:

  1. Please state highest degree level obtained (PhD, Masters, Bachelors, HND)

  2. Please state the title of the highest degree obtained

  3. Do you have professional certifications?

  4. Details of Professional Certification

  5. Years of Relevant Work Experience

  6. Please add details of experience with UN (or similar international organisation)

  7. Details of other Relevant Work Experience

  8. Any other Relevant Information to Support your Application

Document Required for The Job
  1. CV

  2. Degree Certificates

  3. Professional Certificates

  4. Company profile (only applicable for companies)

  5. Other